Play both video's at the same time, but start the left video at 3 minutes.
You see the proces of the hi-tech carbon braider is just the same as the ancient maypole dance.Amazingly simple.The bobbins on the carbonbraider seem to be dancing.
Maypole braiding is a techniique which allows to "embrace" the shape you insert.The same way you braid functional shapes, cold we also braid people together?
The sample to the left shows a maypole braid having swallowed a T-shirt .The sample is made on a Kumihimo disk.
The picture above shows the track of a old school maypole braiding machine. The track the bobbins make is the same track the maypole dancers make.
If a dance was at the origin of a hi-tech making proces, can we inverse this idea, and return contemporary manufacturing into participatory design practise ?
In preparation of design Fest Gent, making-performance or human fabrication machine.Drawing by Dirk van Gogh