Japanese Sacred Ropes

oogsten etc.

Daffodil rope
Leaves or flowers?
Dried for 2 weeks. Before use, put dried leaves/flowers for half an hour in a moist towel, or spray them en let them get souple in a plastic sheet.
Proceed to making rope as learned at Mieke's, same as the video.
Cordage from nettles.
Strong fibres when the nettles have flowers.
De bloei is van juni tot laat in de herfst.
Can they be harvested at one time and used a few months later?
They can be harvested and used a few hours later ?
Same roping thechnique as learned at Mieke's.
Willow bark basketting
Watch the sound, it's Scottisch
Stripping the willow is a dance to !
Weaving with palm tree leaves. Testing how to do so with once from kask/which family at Kask?